With the unexpected crisis produced by the covid pandemic19, digital transformation is posed as a necessary challenge for companies that still dispensed with the online part of their businesses and has been a key point in the strategy of companies that already lived and applied digitization. In some sectors, such as the tourism sector or the leisure and entertainment sector, they have already set to work to digitize their events.
You may be familiar with some trends that are used in the digitization of events, such as Big Data, which helps to organize, segment and analyze events, digital communication through social networks, newsletters and forums, and new technologies such as reality virtual, augmented reality … but, in this post we want to talk especially about a revolutionary product that has come to stay: the Remote Event.
What is the Remote Event?
When we mention “remote event”, it is likely that the first thing we think of is a recording of an event broadcast live. To be more specific, the remote event is a videoconference system that is broadcast from one point to another and that the speakers themselves can manage from their location, even if they are at a great distance. The remote event is a live broadcast (streaming) that allows content to be produced through video platforms or a private server. In short, we could say that a remote event is the digitization of the entire event.
What are the advantages of a remote event?
- It allows us to attend a congress, team building, fair, or training classes without having to travel.
- By not having to travel, costs are reduced for both the organizer and the speakers (transport, stay, stands, etc.).
- Ironically, without having to travel, the geographic scope and number of participants increases. The event can be broadcast anywhere in the world and reach international audiences.
- Attendees interact and participate more, since they feel like protagonists.
- We take advantage of the multiple uses of new technologies to connect with attendees and energize relationships between them.
- All employees can access and disseminate the information provided during and after the event.
- Information remains on the network indefinitely. It is not ephemeral.
- It allows us to fully publicize the product, service or brand that we are offering.
- It encourages networking and engagement as it is a novel and interactive experience.
- Once the event is over, we will obtain data and metrics on our audience that will help us improve our strategy and be more competitive.
How do we do your virtual event in Content Lab?
At Content Lab, we offer you tailor-made solutions according to your needs. Before the event, we promote your event, during the event we produce quality content and create community in real time, and once the event is over, we generate impact and expectation for the next one.
We combine quality live performance with speakers that are located in different cities. For example, the presenter is in Madrid, a speaker is in Barcelona and another is in Seville. During the live, we manage the entire process to avoid all kinds of unforeseen events. In addition, we design your corporate virtual set to measure and present it with a uniform visual identity so that the viewer feels as if they were on the same stage. To achieve this, we take into account all the details, from the 3D design to the corporate image (logo, colors, typography, etc.) and the props and decoration elements.